Santa’s Sleigh

Father Christmas has promised to visit the village on Christmas Eve with his sleigh fully loaded with presents for good girls and boys!

If you would like your child to be included please complete the slip below and return it with £4.00 per child to Helen Brookson, Orchard View, The Street by 29th November.

See here to get the:

What’s on in November, Stonham Aspal with Mickfield Church


1st Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn

  7pm Home group


3rd Sat 10am Ladies that Brunch, Greenacre.


4th  Sun 9.30am Holy Communion


8th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn

               7pm Home group


11th  Sun 10.45am Remembrance for All


13th Tue 7.30pm PCC meeting


15th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn

               7pm Home group


18th  Sun 9.30am Sung Communion


22nd  Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn

                7pm Home group


25th  Sun 6.30pm Evensong


29th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn

                7pm Final Home group of the year



If you have been making poppies for Church please could we have them by the 4th. Thank you for the all the poppies we have already received, such a variety, wonderful.

Sent from my Windows 10 phone



On the menu for brunch is, Fresh fruit salad, fruit juice, bacon, egg, sausage, black pudding, tomato, beans, mushrooms, toast, jam, marmalade, pastries, tea, coffee, herbal teas……so please come hungry! Please contact me on 01449 711393 or if you would like to reserve a seat, the cost is £10. If you have any special dietary needs please let me know. 
At our last Brunch in September your support enabled us to pass on to the Church £100 for the repair fund. Thank you for your kindness and most of all your company. 


St Mary & St Lambert, Stonham Aspal with Mickfield Church.

We invite you as individuals, as families or as groups to bring together your talents to make poppies. These will be hung around the Church for the Remembrance service on the 11th November 10.45am.

They can be made from paper, cardboard, knitted, felt any medium you like, any size.
For more details contact Liz 01449 711365 or Alex 01449 711393. Any completed poppies can be brought and left at the back of Stonham Aspal church. 
If you would like to collect your poppy when the decorations have been taken down, please ensure your name is fixed firmly on to each poppy.
We look forward to seeing your creative work.


Village Hall Refurbishment-update

Over the year the refurbishment work has continued at the village hall. The old windows in the back room and kitchen have been replaced with similar to match the rest of the building. The kitchen and toilets are now fitted with roller binds and the back room and entrance have attractive curtains. Tables have been purchased and there is now a new storage area for these. The bar which was kindly donated from the former ‘Ten Bells’, has been renovated and looks brilliant in the back room. The volunteers who have continued to work on the Village Hall have enabled us to progress to the stage that it is at now, their time and effort is very much appreciated.

Funding is now in place for new fascias, soffits and gutters and for the exterior to be painted, we hope that this will be happening very soon.  The next project to take place when funds are available is resurfacing the car park.



Dance with Live Band

Stonham Aspal Village Hall

Sat 17th November from 7.30pm

Why not get the date in your diary, sort out child sitters for

the little ones and join us for a lively evening. The are two bands

playing, ‘KIO’ are a professional and energetic 4 piece cover/function band based in Essex. ‘Vorte’ are a local original

alternative rock band and will start the evening playing some

of their own material.  The new bar will be open and there will

be a raffle. It has all the ingredients of being a brilliant

evening, we hope you can join us.        

Tickets are £8.50. A family ticket is £25. (Two adults and two children under 16) a further £5 for extra children.

For further details and tickets please contact

Bob Pratt 01449 711393 Maria Tydeman 01449 711530

Sue Turnbull 01449 711250



St Mary & St Lambert, Stonham Aspal with Mickfield

FRI 12th OCT 7.30pm
The Benefice Choir will lead this traditional Evensong, with the collection being taken in aid of FARM AFRICA. The service will be followed by a shared supper with wine and harvest ale, a joyful occasion in the Church calendar, we hope you can join us.

What on in October at Stonham Aspal Church

St Mary & St Lambert

Stonham Aspal with Mickfield

What’s on in October


4th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn

  7pm Home group


7th  Sun 9.30am Holy Communion


10th Wed 9.30am School Harvest Service


11th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn

               7pm Home group


12th Fri 7.30pm Harvest Choral Evensong with Choir, followed by shared supper


14th  Sun 9.30am Harvest for All with Baptism


15th Mon 9.15am Pre-School Harvest Service


18th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn

               7pm Home group


20th Sat 10am to midday Churchyard Autumn Clear Up


21st  Sun 9.30am Sung Communion


25th Thur 10-11.30am  Coffee Inn

                7pm Homegroup


28th  Sun 6.30pm Evensong