December and January at The Village Hall

December 2016

  • 2nd, Friday, Quiz, 7.30pm for 8pm start
  • 3rd, Saturday, Christmas farye, 5th, Monday, Whist drive, 7.30pm start
  • 8th Thursday bingo 8pm start
  • 9th, Friday, pub night and decorating hall for Christmas, 7.30pm onwards.
  • 16th Friday, pub night, pot luck buffet(bring an tray of something) 7.30pm onwards.
  • 17th cabaret night, bar, food, various and entertainment various,
  • Christmas Eve,Santa’s sleigh and drinks in hall afterwards, and for those who wish midnight mass in church. Also the football club is opening its doors for Christmas Eve drinks, from 12 til 4pm, all most welcome, for a social, hope to see you there.

January 2017

  • 2nd, Monday, whist drive,
  • 12th, Thursday, bingo
  • 18th, Wednesday, cinema,
  • 20th, Friday, pub night

Latest News

October 2016

  • Whist Drive, Monday, 3rd, 7.30pm, all abilities welcome.
  • Quiz, Friday, 7th, 8pm start, teams can be made up on night.
  • Bingo, Thursday, 13th, 8pm Cinema,
  • Wednesday, 18th, see boards for film near day
  • Pub night, Friday, 21st, 7.30pm onwards, possible BBQ or ability to order takeaway(Indian) Family/pub evening, details to follow, with food and entertainment

November 2016

  • Whist Drive, Monday, 7th, 7.30pm start.
  • Bingo, Thursday, 10th, 8pm.
  • Cinema, Wednesday, 16th, check board for details nearer time
  • Pub Night, Friday, 7.30pm onwards
  • Autumn lunch, Saturday 26th

December 2016

  • Christmas fayre Cabaret night details to follow
  • Christmas Eve,Santa’s sleigh and drinks in hall afterwards, and for those who wish midnight mass in church. Watch out for notice board outside hall for what’s on

Village Cinema

Don’t forget it’s film club at the village hall this week – films being shown on Wednesday and Thursday night. Doors open at 7.30pm, film starts at 8pm.


1) Saturday, 21st May, 6.30pm onwards, pop up pub, with traditional and non traditional games and pizzas will be available,
2) Fun day, Saturday 4th June, Football Club.
3) General ask/request, for Queens 90th birthday celebrations, on Sunday, 12th June a party/picnic at church/hall is being organised, bunting is being put up through out village and it has been suggested that people may like to decorate, their house fronts/road sides, with red, white, blue flowers/decorations.

Events update

April 2016
Quiz, Friday 1st, 8pm
Bingo, Thursday 14th, 8pm
Pub nite, Friday 15th
Cinema, Wednesday 20th

May 2016
Pre-school quiz, Friday, 6th.
Bingo, Thursday 12th, 8pm
Cinema, Wednesday 18th, 7.30pm for 8pm start.
Pub night, Friday 20th, 7.30pm onwards


Band on 19th March

The name of band who will be entertaining us at the village hall, on Saturday 19th March. is Shedlode, they are on Facebook and describe their music styles as new traditional country/Americana.

Allotments in Stonham Parva

May be available if you want one – Cost is £20 per annum for a 10 rod plot (approx. 250 sq m).  Web site is

Contact 01449 711178 Wendy