Stonham Aspal and Mickfield Church

17th Dec 6.30pm A carol service with a difference. Enjoy singing some traditional and some unusual carols and songs and hearing some alternative Christmas readings, poems and stories. Seasonal refreshments will follow! Everyone welcome.

Men’s Breakfast 9th December

Brian Heard regaled us with his memories as a Chemist in Forensics, luckily we had our Breakfast before the talk of bodies and death! We may have him back to hear about his 25 years in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the Ladies Brunched elsewhere in the Village.

Our next Breakfast is in March.



St Mary & St Lambert, Stonham Aspal & Mickfield
Advent Sunday 3rd Dec 4pm
We welcome everyone to join us for this celebration at the start of Advent. Never been to a Christingle Service, please come along to find out what a Christingle is, or if you have been to one, you will know that it is a service not to be missed. The collection will be for the Children’s Society.