1st Mon 9.15am Pre School Easter service

3rd Wed 7.30pm Annual Parochial Meeting

4th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn- 200 club draw
2pm School Easter end of term service
7pm Homegroup

6th Sat 10am to Midday Church yard Clear up

7th Sun 6.30pm Evensong

11th Thur 10-11.30am Coffee Inn
7pm Homegroup

14th Sun 9.30am Palms for All, meet at the football field

18th Thur 10-11.30am Coffee Inn
7pm Maundy Thursday, Communion Creeting St Peter

19th Fri 8.30am Good Friday Worship for All, followed by hot cross buns at Threeways.

20th Sat From 9am Church dec orated for Easter day

21st Sun 5.30am First Light on the Cart Track, meet at
Broughton Hall, followed by bacon rolls and coffee at Halls Garden house.
9.30am Sung Communion with Benefice choir

25th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn
7pm Homegroup

28th Sun 3.30pm Celtic Songs of Praise with the Six Village band and Baptism


All members of the new Electoral Roll and other parishioners are encouraged to attend St Mary’s and St Lambert’s Annual Parochial Meeting. This is your chance to elect Churchwardens, question the PCC members about Church affairs, peruse the accounts and make suggestions about any aspect of the work of the church in our village. 

All are very welcome.

April Events in Stonham Aspal


4 8pm Cinema VH

5 8pm Quiz VH

11 8pm Bingo VH

13 7.30pm Kio Live Band Village Hall

15 10am WI History of Stowmarket

19 7.30pm Quiz Night VH


4 10am Ladies that Brunch

,25/26 May Day Bank Holiday 10am-3pm Village Hall Refreshments etc.

Race night fundraiser on Saturday 23rd March

The Football Club are holding a Race night fundraiser on Saturday 23rd March at the Clubhouse.

Bar is open from 6.30pm with the first race at 7.00pm. Everybody welcome to come and have a flutter.

Entry is FREE, and if you fancy Sausage and Chips supper at £3.00, contact Eric Cousins on 07733 110820.


SAT 16 MARCH 10am – 12 noon

Come when and for as long as you are able.


Please bring elbow grease and enthusiasm to clear away the cob webs and reach into the corners and crevices where the dust and grime collect. Also bring brooms, brushes, dustpans, polish etc. Removing dirt and dust will reveal the beauty of our ancient building. We could do with YOUR help to achieve as much as possible. Everyone is welcome. Your reward will be refreshments and knowing that working in a team can have wonderful results. Thank you .


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