Come and try the WI for free in March! Visitors can attend our Zoom meeting for free – just email Ruth on ruth.wailes@gmail.com for the meeting link.
Over the last 11 months, Stonham Aspal WI has, like many groups, continued to meet over Zoom. For several months we cancelled our speakers, but now we are back with a full programme for 2021. Whether we will hold these meetings over Zoom or in the Village Hall will depend on the restrictions at the time. We will post updates on the Village website and Facebook.
Our speakers for the next few months are:
Monday 15th March – “Dick Turpin – the myth and the man”
Monday 19th April – “HealthWatch Suffolk” – who, what and how we can make a difference to health services with your help.
Monday 17th May – “Drought Gardening”.
Monday 21st June – a garden party plus discussion of the campaigns that the National WI is putting forward
Monday 19th July – Trek for Life – why did 4 middle aged people decided to trek to Everest base camp?
Ruth Wailes 01449 711997