July What’s on at Stonham Aspal Church


4th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn

             7pm Homegroup

 6th July  10am Ladies that Brunch, Greenacre

 7th  Sun  6.30pm Evensong

 11th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn   

7pm Homegroup

14th Sun  9.30am Worship for All, Rural Mission Sunday, with a talk by the Venerable Sally Gaze, Archdeacon for Rural Mission.

18th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee In

7pm Final Homegroup before summer break

21st   Sun  9.30am Holy Communion

24th Wed  2pm School Leavers’ Service

25th Thur 10-11.30am  Coffee Inn

28th  Sun 9.30am Worship and Praise