September Village Events


4          School back

11        VH 8PM Village Cinema – Finding Neverland

12        VH 8PM Bingo

13        Church 8.50-11.30 Coffee Inn Air Ambulance Collection

14        VH 8.30AM Men’s Breakfast Forensic Ballistics and HK Triad

14        Suffolk Historic Churches Cycle ride

20        VH 7.30PM Third Friday Inn

27        Church 8.50-11.30 Coffee Inn Macmillan Collection

28        VH 7PM Pudding Night and Quiz


3 Oct   VH Cinema

19 Oct VH 6PM Evening Bar, Karaoke, Disco etc.

For details see the Community Council magazine

What’s on in September, Stonham Aspal Church

1st Sun 6.30pm Evening Prayer

5th Thur 10-11.30am Coffee Inn – 200 Club Draw

7pm Home group

8th Sun 9.30am Education Sunday – Worship for All

12th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn

7pm Home group venue

14th Sat Ride and Stride – Suffolk Historic Churches

15th Sun 9.30am Holy Communion

19th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn

7pm Homegroup

22nd Sun 9.30am Worship and Praise

26th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn – MacMillan

7pm Homegroup

29th Sun 10am 8 Parish Holy Communion at Coddenham


Benefice Holy Communion with confirmation and Commissioning, Stonham Aspal Church.

This very special and unusual service will take place on Sunday 18th at 10am. Parishioners from all the churches in the North Bosmere Benefice will celebrate Holy Communion. The Revd Cannon Mike Harrison, the Bishop of Dunwich (better known as Bishop Mike) will be in attendance. During the service the Confirmation of Debbie Wagstaff and the Commissioning of David Tydeman, Elizabeth Ince, Alex Pratt and Mary Payne as Lay Elders will take place. Everyone is invited and refreshments will be served at the end.

Stonham Aspal events

Stonham Aspal Events


2nd 1930 Quiz night SAVH


6th 2000 SAVH CINEMA Summer Holiday

8th 2000 SAVH BINGO

16th 1930 Third Friday inn

24-25  SAVH 1000-1500 SAVH – August opening Lunches, stalls etc.


1st SAVH 1200 Two seater Club – bring a picnic

Whats On in August Stonham Aspal Church

1st Thur from 10am Coffee Inn

3rd Sat 10am Ladies that Brunch

4th Sun 6.30pm Evening Prayer

8th Thur from 10am Coffee Inn

11th Sun 9.30am Faith for All

15th Thur from 10am Coffee Inn

18th 10am 8 Parish Holy Communion with Confirmation and Commissioning of Lay Elders by Bishop Mike

22nd Thur from 10am Coffee Inn

24th & 25th Sat & Sun 10am to 3pm Bank Holiday Refreshments and stalls in the Village Hall

25th Sun 9.30am Worship and Praise

27th Tue PCC Meeting

29th Thur from 10am Coffee Inn

Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 16th July 7:30pm at the Village Hall

Included on this months agenda
Ipswich Northern Route – members of the Parish Council attended a meeting with Dr Dan Poulter MP on 11th July

Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan,  The draft was presented to the full council In June and proposes a change in Stonham Aspal’s status from secondary village to a core village

Full meeting agenda

WORSHIP FOR ALL on Rural Mission Sunday – 14 July 9.30am

Come and hear a talk by The Venerable Sally Gaze, Archdeacon for Rural Mission.

Our next Worship for All will be at 9.30am 14 July.  As it is Rural Mission Sunday we will be using that as the theme.  As always there will be something for everyone at this service.  We are very fortunate that the newly appointed Archdeacon for Rural Mission, The Venerable Sally Gaze has agreed to come and speak to us.  Everyone welcome.  Refreshments afterwards.

July What’s on at Stonham Aspal Church


4th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn

             7pm Homegroup

 6th July  10am Ladies that Brunch, Greenacre

 7th  Sun  6.30pm Evensong

 11th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn   

7pm Homegroup

14th Sun  9.30am Worship for All, Rural Mission Sunday, with a talk by the Venerable Sally Gaze, Archdeacon for Rural Mission.

18th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee In

7pm Final Homegroup before summer break

21st   Sun  9.30am Holy Communion

24th Wed  2pm School Leavers’ Service

25th Thur 10-11.30am  Coffee Inn

28th  Sun 9.30am Worship and Praise

Ladies that Brunch – Sat 6th July 10am

Greenacre, Debenham Road, Stonham Aspal

 On the menu: Fresh Fruit salad, Fruit Juice, Bacon, Egg, Sausage, Black pudding, Tomato, Beans, Mushrooms, Toast, Jam, Marmalade Pastries,Tea, Coffee, Herbal Teas

 Seats can be,reserved on receipts of £10 Ticket money, please contact me on, or 01449 711393 specifying any dietary needs.

 Profits from brunches at ‘Greenacre’ this year are going to the Church repair fund. Thank you to those who attended in May, this enabled me to pass on to the Church £100, which is brilliant. Our next large project will be the installation of toilet facilities, after a positive meeting with the DAC, plans are now being drawn by the architect. Your support in keeping this listed village building in good maintenance is appreciated enormously.

 Looking forward to welcoming friends old and new

Alex Pratt