Fibre Broadband now available for most of Stonham Aspal

Fibre Broadband is now available for most of Stonham Aspal, run from the cabinet near the Tennis Courts.

  • First, check if you can get it. Use the BT Fibre Checker clicking here using your telephone  number. Some areas such as East End Lane are covered from the new Cabinet on the A1120/ Crowfield Church road, and you will have to wait a little longer.
  • Then order Fibre Broadband from your existing supplier: They should have updated to show you are covered, and there should be a way of ‘upgrading’ your service.


Good Luck!

Carries Zumba

Carries Zumba

ZUMBA IS BACK!! While we wait for the hall be completed we will be starting back on 13th September 6:30-7:30 in Crowfield Village Hall. As soon as the hall is ready we will be back in and ready to rock it. Everyone is welcome.

Church Lead thefts in the area

Suffolk Police are calling on local communities to help tackle incidents of lead theft from churches.

The advice follows reports of attempted theft in Ipswich and Woodbridge in recent weeks; however there are concerns that some incidents are not being reported which limits the Constabulary’s ability to take action.

Police work in close partnership with churches to help detect and deter crime, and encourage all to consider the installation of lighting, CCTV and/or roof alarms.

Rural churches, in particular, are often targeted due to their isolated locations so members of the public are asked to report any suspicious activity they see. Stealing a large amount of lead takes time and a reasonably large vehicle to transport it, so any early reports will assist police in locating the offenders.

Chief Inspector Stuart Grimsey said: “We are asking local people to take an interest in their local church whilst they are out and about. If you take the dog out for a walk, or go for a stroll, don’t ignore anything that you think looks out of place – report anything you think may be suspicious to the police.

“Communities can act as our eyes and ears, and by pulling together to note suspicious activity, we can deter thieves and help keep these historic buildings safe.”

Stonham Aspal Parish Council News – Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)

The Parish Council is considering supporting the creation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Stonham Aspal.

A NDP can be a valuable tool, bringing real benefits to the parish by making the opinions of residents known. A NDP includes topics such as housing, commerce, the economy, transport and the environnment to name a few. There is a lot of information available online and can easily be found by searching for ‘’Neighbourhood Development Plans’.

As you can imagine, producing an NDP is a time consuming business and something the Parish Council cannot take on by themselves. Throughout Suffolk, local town and parishes have produced their own NDP relying heavily on local volunteers to research, plan and finally produce the report.

Should you wish to know more or even consider volunteering to join the Stonham Aspal NDP committee, please join us at the Parish Council meeting in October (details available on when we shall be discussing the opportunity and gauging the enthusiasm to commence this project.

Village Hall update

Just to let you know hall revamp is well under way, with completion due end of August, so please watch out for events to mark its completion either in the magazine or online on village web site or on Facebook, or even poster on village notice board or posters around village, and future events can be found/checked out these ways.

We are looking for more interesting thing to put in magazine, so if you wish to do so, please feel free to, anything from stories, recipes, puzzles/quizzes, helpful hints for house/garden/life, these entries can either be one offs or regular just email to me or Tony (at, our long suffering magazine editor. If you think you know of anyone who would be good give them a nudge or even a large kick!

Thanks for efforts put in by all to get this far and looking forward to a busy future: Which reminds me just to warn you this month and next some willing volunteers will be knocking on your doors asking for your 200 club monies again, please if you know of anyone who is not signed up, pass details onto collectors or to me, via email or 01449711250,

Many thanks Sue and all.

PS Don’t forget the village just giving page is still going to top up hall funds, for soft furnishings, etc, and we should be the green disc options at the Co op at Debenham soon, so keep an eye out for that one.

More BT Broadband Installations around Stonham Aspal

As well as the work going on within Stonham Aspal, two further cabinets are scheduled. I’m not too sure who is connected to them, but individual telephone numbers can be analysed –

  • one is at the junctions of the Crowfield Road (17-21 July STONHAM – 8 – 393969 – 393997 – ALL IN ONE STREET CABINET& POWER INSTALLATION)
  • and the other within Mickfield (4-7 July by Meadow Cottage has Stonham 7, similar cabinet to the above).

Football Club Fun Day

Don’t forget our Fun Day at the Club tomorrow 10th June. The weather forecasters are usually better than their political counterparts – so bring the sun cream !!

Start 1.00pm. Ends with Scotland  v  England on the big screen in the Clubhouse at 5.00pm.

Village Hall refurbishment.

It has started!
The village hall has been handed over to the contractor, and D C Construction have moved on site today and  started on the Village hall refurbishment.
The hall and car park are out of bounds to anyone other than those involved in the building works (even if you are a key holder)!
Please respect this as construction sites are dangerous places.
Thank you! Bob Pratt

11th June 11am to 3pm – Stonham Aspal Church and grounds.

  • 11am A service of worship for all with activities for the children.
  • 12 noon onwards, barbecue and other refreshments, stalls including plants, cakes, books, tombola, raffle, fun for the children. If you can provide prizes for the tombola or cakes please let us know.

In the Church there will be a display of Church and village history. Items that are usually hidden away in the big chest will be on show along with Church registers and other items of interest.

If you have any items that you feel would be of interest we would welcome the opportunity to display them, please let us know beforehand.

Offers of help on the day would be very much appreciated. For any further details or enquiries please contact David Tydeman 01449 711277, Alex Jenkinson 01449 711393 or John Ince 01449 711365.

We look forward to seeing you, please bring the sunshine with you!