Pudding Night and Quiz- Saturday 29th September 2018 from 7.00pm

A Pudding Night with Quiz will be held at Stonham Aspal Village Hall on Saturday 29th September 2018 from 7.00pm in aid of Suffolk Riding Club.

There will be a Pay Bar, soft drinks and tea and coffee will also be available. There will also be a Raffle.

Please come along for an enjoyable evening, tasty puddings and few drinks in pleasant company. The last pudding night which was held in aid of Village Hall Funds was really enjoyable and well supported.

Tickets are £5, to be purchased in advance from:-
Cathie Woolhouse 07769184309
Tracey-Ann Hall 07801553748
Joy Tydeman 01449711472

Also available from
Mill Saddlery, Stowupland, Stowmarket IP14 5BJ
Tack and Turnout, Wood Farm, IP6 9TH

(monies raised will go to Suffolk Riding Club with a donation to a charity) tickets should be bought prior to the night.

Broadband update

There is a new Cabinet due to go in the Village in October – Cabinet P10. This is at the rear of 1 Walnut Tree Meadows. There is quite a bit more work planned in Stonham, see below:

Fibre Cabinet Fibre Status Phase Properties
Vendor Approx
Post Code
Cabinet P1 FTTC Available from 30th August 2017 Phase SEP Suffolk 16b 287 Huawei IP14 5LE
Cabinet P2 FTTC Available from 4th October 2014 Phase BDUK Suffolk 12a 194 Huawei IP14 5EW
Cabinet P3 FTTC Available from 6th June 2015 Phase BDUK Suffolk 13b 309 Huawei IP14 5DP
Cabinet P4 FTTC Available from 2nd December 2017 Phase SEP Suffolk 17a 35 Huawei IP14 5EY
Cabinet P7 FTTC Available from 11th January 2018 Phase SEP Suffolk 17a 47 Huawei IP14 5LH
Cabinet P8 FTTC Available from 16th November 2017 Phase SEP Suffolk 17a 106 Huawei IP14 6AN
Cabinet P10 FTTC doing Field Survey, live due by September 2018 Phase SEP Suffolk 18a Huawei
Cabinet P12 FTTC doing Field Survey, live due by May 2019 Phase SEP Suffolk 19a Huawei
Cabinet P14 FTTC doing Field Survey, live due by May 2019 Phase SEP Suffolk 22a Huawei
Cabinet P15 FTTC doing Field Survey, live due by May 2019 Phase SEP Suffolk 22a Huawei
Exchange 9 FTTC doing Field Survey, live due by March 2019 Phase SEP Suffolk 22a Huawei
Exchange 10 FTTC doing Field Survey, live due by March 2019 Phase SEP Suffolk 22a Huawei
Exchange 18 FTTC doing Field Survey, live due by April 2018 Phase SEP Suffolk 19a Huawei
Exchange 20 FTTC doing Field Survey, live due by December 2018 Phase SEP Suffolk 20a Huawei

September Events

  • Coffee Inn at the Church – Thursdays 8.30-11.30
    • 13th Collecting for air ambulance
    • 27th MacMillann collection
  • 13th Thursday – Bingo Village Hall 8pm
  • 15th 10 AM Ladies that Brunch – £10
  • 17th Parish Council meeting 7.30 PM Village Hall £3 including refreshments
  • 20th 8 PM Cinema – The Guernsey Literacy and Potato Peel Society
  • 21st Third Friday Inn 7.30 PM

Future events

  • 5th October – Quiz Night 8 PM Village Hall
  • 13th October – Men’s Breakfast 8.30 am Village Hall
  • 19th October – Third Friday Inn
  • 11th November Remembrance Service 10.45 AM
  • 17th November – Dance at Village Hall 7.30 PM – two Live Bands Kip and Vorte



Saturday 17th November



Tickets £8.50 Family £25 (2 adults + 2 children under 16) £5 per extra child

For Further deatails or tickets please contact 
Bob Pratt 01449 711393
Maria Tydeman 01449 711530
Sue Turnbull 01449 711250

What’s on at Stonham Aspal Church in September

2nd Sun 9.30am Holy Communion


6th Thur 10-11.30am Coffee Inn

               7pm Home group – Helen’s house, Coddenham


8th Sat Ride and Stride – Suffolk Historic Churches


9th Sun 9.30am Education Sunday – Worship for All


13th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn – East Anglian Air Ambulance

               7pm Home group venue TBA


15th Sat 10am Ladies Brunch at Greenacre


16th Sun 9.30am Sung Communion


20th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn

                7pm Homegroup venue TBA


23rd Sun 9.30pm Evensong


27th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn – MacMillan

                7pm Homegroup venue TBA


30th Sun 10am 8 Parish Holy Communion Hemingstone


Sat 25th & Sun 26th

10am to 3pm

Stonham Aspal Village Hall

Lunches will be served with tea, coffee and cakes available. Plants Bric-a Brac , wood turner and book stall.

In aid of Church Funds



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Greenacre, Debenham Road, Stonham Aspal

On the menu:

Fresh Fruit salad, Fruit Juice

Bacon, Egg, Sausage, Black

pudding, Tomato, Beans,


Toast, Jam, Marmalade


Tea, Coffee, Herbal Teas

 Seats can be reserved on receipts of £10 Ticket money, please contact me on alexjenkson@btopenworld.com,

or 01449 711393 specifying any dietary needs.

 Profits from social events at ‘Greenacre’ this year are all going to the Church repair fund. It is wonderful that the immediate repairs have now been completed but this still leaves many identified items from the Quinquennial report still to attend to in the future. As with any ancient building something else is always cropping up and the repair fund is now depleted.

Your support in keeping this listed village building in good maintenance is appreciated enormously.

 The final Bruch of the year will take place on the 3rd November.

Looking forward to welcoming friends old and new.



We invite you as individuals, as families or as groups to bring together your talents to make poppies. These will be hung around the Church for the Remembrance service on the 11th November 10.45am.

They can be made from paper, cardboard, knitted, felt any medium you like, any size.
For more details contact Liz 01449 711365 or Alex 01449 711393. Any completed poppies can be brought and left at the back of Stonham Aspal church. 
If you would like to collect your poppy when the decorations have been taken down, please ensure your name is fixed firmly on to each poppy.
We look forward to seeing your creative work.

A140 and A1120 – Road Resurfacing and Reinstatment of the Road Markings– August 2018

We will be carrying out road resurfacing and reinstatement of the road markings on the junction with A140 and A1120. This is necessary to stop further deterioration and improve the road surface.

The extent of the closure will be;
A140 – Between the roundabout with A14 up to Church Lane, Little Stonham
A1120 – Junction with Church Road, Stowupland to junction with Scotts Hill and The Street, Stonham Aspal.

The work is planned to be completed between 15th August 2018 – 21st August 2018. Work will be carried out overnight from around 8pm until 6am each night. Excluding the weekend. You may experience some noise disruption due to the nature of the equipment we use. We will do everything we can to minimise the disruption.

The times and dates of works may change depending on the weather conditions. If they do change, we will let you know by updating the information signs on site.
The road will be temporarily closed to through traffic for the duration of the works excluding the weekend. Pedestrian access to properties and businesses will be available. However vehicular access may be restricted even where off road parking is available. During the working times above, access will be controlled by staff on site. Please speak to one of our staff who will provide access as soon as it is safe to do so. Access for emergency services will be maintained at all times.

During the period of the closure, please follow the signposted diversion route. If you want a detailed diversion please contact us. These temporary traffic management measures are required to allow the works to be carried out safely and in accordance with current health and safety guidelines. Please see the information over the page for more details of how access to your property will be affected by the works, as well as other frequently asked questions.
If you have any other questions about the work, please call us on: 0345 606 6171.

Yours faithfully
Suffolk Highways

What’s on in AUGUST

What’s on in AUGUST

2nd Thur from 10am Coffee Inn
5th Sun 9.30am Holy Communion
9th Thur from 10am Coffee Inn
12th Sun 9.30am Jesus at the Beach, Worship for All
16th Thur from 10am Coffee Inn
19th 9.30am Sung Communion
20th Mon PCC Meeting
23rd Thur from 10am Coffee Inn
25th & 26th Sat & Sun 10am to 3pm Bank Holiday Refreshments and stalls in the Village Hall
26th Sun 6.30pm Evensong
30th Thur from 10am Coffee Inn