July What’s on at Stonham Aspal Church


4th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn

             7pm Homegroup

 6th July  10am Ladies that Brunch, Greenacre

 7th  Sun  6.30pm Evensong

 11th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn   

7pm Homegroup

14th Sun  9.30am Worship for All, Rural Mission Sunday, with a talk by the Venerable Sally Gaze, Archdeacon for Rural Mission.

18th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee In

7pm Final Homegroup before summer break

21st   Sun  9.30am Holy Communion

24th Wed  2pm School Leavers’ Service

25th Thur 10-11.30am  Coffee Inn

28th  Sun 9.30am Worship and Praise

Ladies that Brunch – Sat 6th July 10am

Greenacre, Debenham Road, Stonham Aspal

 On the menu: Fresh Fruit salad, Fruit Juice, Bacon, Egg, Sausage, Black pudding, Tomato, Beans, Mushrooms, Toast, Jam, Marmalade Pastries,Tea, Coffee, Herbal Teas

 Seats can be,reserved on receipts of £10 Ticket money, please contact me on alexjenkson@btopenworld.com, or 01449 711393 specifying any dietary needs.

 Profits from brunches at ‘Greenacre’ this year are going to the Church repair fund. Thank you to those who attended in May, this enabled me to pass on to the Church £100, which is brilliant. Our next large project will be the installation of toilet facilities, after a positive meeting with the DAC, plans are now being drawn by the architect. Your support in keeping this listed village building in good maintenance is appreciated enormously.

 Looking forward to welcoming friends old and new

Alex Pratt

Thanks and Praise Service, Sun 2nd June 4pm

St Mary and St Lambert, Stonham Aspal and Mickfield are holding a special service to thank all those who help or support the church in any way. Everyone is welcome as we Worship and Praise, giving thanks for everyone’s time and effort. Tea and cakes will be served afterwards.

May Bank Holiday Weekend

Sat 25th & Sun 26th 10am to 3pm Stonham Aspal Village Hall. 

Please join us to help raise funds for the Church. There will be a plant stall, Wood Turners and tombola. Hot Lunches and refreshments will also be available. If you are able to help on either day or could provide cakes/tombola prizes then please get in touch. Your support is appreciated.
hell.fuller@talk21.com or call (01449) 7115174

Rogation Walk Sun 26th May 2.30pm from Broughton Hall

Rogation Sunday this year falls on the 26th, when we walk to join members of our Church Benefice for a service and tea. Meet us at 2.30pm at Broughton Hall front yard, we will walk to Stonham Parva, stopping on route to sing, beat the bounds and worship. If the walk is not suitable please come along to the service which will be around 4pm. We will then continue from there to Earl Stonham Church room for a delicious tea.  As Stonham Parva Church is having repairs the service will be outside, if wet it will be held in Earl Stonham Church. The route is suitable for pushchairs and dogs, please do join us!

Oil Theft in Stonham Aspal

Police are appealing for information after heating oil was stolen from a tank at a home in Stonham Aspal.

At around 5.30pm yesterday, Thursday 2nd May, a resident at the property realised that around 600ltrs of heating oil had been stolen from the tank at their home in Debenham Road.

Witnesses or anybody with any information should contact Suffolk Police by completing an online report update via the force website http://www.suffolk.police.uk/contact-us/existing-report-update quoting CAD reference 286 of 2nd May.

Alternatively, contact the police on the non-emergency telephone number 101.

Stonham Aspal and Mickfield Church, £1,000 Award Nomination

Ecclesiastical Insurance are running a grant applications of £1,000 for Charity projects. The form is super small and simple. We would love you to nominate our ‘Toilet project’. Holding the free coffee mornings each week, school and preschool services, having events where food is served are but a few of the times when a toilet and hand washing facilities would be heaven.
Please click on the link below, when it asks for the Charity number, please tick the exempt box as Church’s do not have to have a number. The more nominations we have the more chance we have of a £1,000 award.
Thanking you in anticipation.


Ladies that Brunch

Sat 4th May 10am, Greenacre, Debenham Road, Stonham Aspal

On the menu: Fresh Fruit salad, Fruit Juice, Bacon, Egg, Sausage, Black pudding, Tomato, Beans, Mushrooms,Toast, Jam, Marmalade Pastries, Tea, Coffee, Herbal Teas.

Seats can be reserved on receipts of £10 Ticket money, please contact me on alexjenkson@btopenworld.comor 01449 711393 specifying any dietary needs.

Profits from brunches at ‘Greenacre’ this year are going to the Church repair fund. Thank you to those who attended in March, this enabled me to pass on to Church £100, which is brilliant. Our next large project will be the installation of toilet facilities. We had our first meeting with the DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee) recently, so we can now start planning a way forward. Your support in keeping this listed village building in good maintenance is appreciated enormously. Looking forward to welcoming friends old and new.



PALMS  FOR ALL 14th April- A special Worship for All service on Palm Sunday.
We meet at the football field 9.30am to walk behind the donkey and a service as we travel along the street. The service concludes in Church, and fellowship continues with refreshments. Everyone welcome.