Stonham Aspal Church – What’s on in December

1st  Sat 10am – 3pm Christmas Extravaganza VH


2nd Sun 9.30am Holy Communion, Advent Sunday


6th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn


9th  Sun 3.30pm Christingle- Collection for the Children’s Society


13th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn


16th  Sun 9.30am Carols for All


17th Mon 9.15am Pre School Nativity


19th Wed 2pm School service, end of term


20th Thur 10-11.30am  Coffee Inn

                6.30pm Carols round the village, meet at Does field


23rd Sun 6.30pm Carols round the tree


24th Mon 3pm Crib service

               11.30pm Midnight Eucharist


25th Tue Christmas Day, no service here but you are welcome to,

9.30am Holy Communion Creeting St Mary, 10am Family Service Coddenham, 10am Christmas Praise Hemingstone, 11am Holy Communion Gosbeck,

11am Holy Communion Earl Stonham.


30th Sun 10am 8 Parish Benefice Holy Communion Gosbeck