St Mary & St Lambert
Stonham Aspal with Mickfield
What’s on in October
4th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn
7pm Home group
7th Sun 9.30am Holy Communion
10th Wed 9.30am School Harvest Service
11th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn
7pm Home group
12th Fri 7.30pm Harvest Choral Evensong with Choir, followed by shared supper
14th Sun 9.30am Harvest for All with Baptism
15th Mon 9.15am Pre-School Harvest Service
18th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn
7pm Home group
20th Sat 10am to midday Churchyard Autumn Clear Up
21st Sun 9.30am Sung Communion
25th Thur 10-11.30am Coffee Inn
7pm Homegroup
28th Sun 6.30pm Evensong