What’s on in October at Stonham Aspal Church.

3rd Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn, 200 club Draw 7pm Home group 5th Sat 10am to midday Churchyard Autumn Clear Up 6th Sun 6.30pm Evensong 9th Wed 9.30am School Harvest Service 10th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn 7pm Home group 11th Fri 7.30pm Harvest Choral Evensong with Choir, supporting The Addington Fund. Followed by shared supper. 12th Sat 1pm Wedding of Sophie Snell and Scott Gregory 13th Sun 9.30am Harvest for All, supporting Stowmarket Food Bank 14th Mon 9.15am Pre-School Harvest Service 17th Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn 7pm Home group 20th Sun 10am Benefice Wholeness & Healing Service with Holy Communion at Earl Stonham 6.30pm Benefice Wholeness & Healing Service at Gosbeck 24th Thur 10-11.30am Coffee Inn 7pm Homegroup 27th Sun 9.30am Worship and Praise 31st Thur 8.50-11.30am Coffee Inn 7pm Home group