St Mary & St Lambert, Stonham Aspal with Mickfield
The role of Sidemen is not difficult but their contribution to the life of the church is important. It enables Worship to proceed smoothly and ensures that all is ready for the clergy or lay person who is taking the service. Duties include unlocking and making sure the church is ready before the service, welcoming and handing out service books etc to the congregation on their arrival, to keep an eye out and welcome anyone who arrives late, to make sure that things are put away after the service and count the collection. You will also be asked if possible to be responsible for unlocking and locking church on the weekend that you are on duty.
If you feel you would like to be part of the team of Sidesmen please let us know, it would be lovely to welcome some new faces.
David Tydeman and Alex Pratt, Churchwardens.