Rich Tearle (Pastor) Tel: 710101 (Church Office) mickfieldec@gmail.com or rich.tearle.mec@gmail.com
For latest service info/times please see the website.
In The Public Eye
Our politicians have been very much in the public eye over these last weeks. They’ve been subject to the scrutiny that we expect in a liberal democracy. As Christian’s we believe Jesus of Nazareth ought to remain in the public eye too. His life and claims ought to be subject to public scrutiny. Christianity has long lived in the public square in this country.
The church in the UK cannot meet publicly at the moment, but the Christian message is more in the public eye than ever, and people are taking the opportunity to look into what goes on within churches through their social media accounts.
Why not take a look at some of our recent videos? We’re on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. We recently posted a 3-part series entitled ‘3 Reasons we Believe’. We first considered The Monty Python reason, taking a look at the staggering impact of Jesus on our country. We’ve explored how Christianity makes sense of our complex and messy world, in The C.S. Lewis reason. In the final instalment we’re now taking a look at The Jesus reason. Have you scrutinised the man and his message?
Here’s a link to watch “The Jesus Reason”:
If you missed “The Monty Python Reason” or “The C.S. Lewis Reason” take a look here:
You may also be interested in our latest series: ‘5 Reasons to dismiss Christianity’. Which can be found here:
If you’d like to check out our family services or some of our short thought for the day/daily devotional videos they can be found on our YouTube channel here:
Rich T