Rich Tearle (Pastor) Tel: 710101 (Church Office) mickfieldec@gmail.com or rich.tearle.mec@gmail.com
For latest service info/times please see the website.
Question Everything!
A while ago I encountered someone in Suffolk wearing a rather striking T-shirt. You’ve guessed the slogan: “Question Everything”. I have good reason to believe that the wearer was of an atheist persuasion. And I know that for many these two words mean a lot. We ought to question everything. We ought to scrutinise and check everything. Of course, we’re all busy and we rarely stick to this principle. However, throughout my life I have noticed that there is a running assumption in the UK that Christians have not questioned everything. Christians have taken a blind leap of faith. Christians have shut their eyes to plain facts. Nothing could be further from the truth! My experience is that I/we have questioned everything. I’ve asked my questions, and I’ve found answers. In fact, in finding answers I’ve found more questions as well! I would encourage everyone to ask their questions and look for answers. We’re attempting to answer some big questions through our regular short videos on YouTube. Why not take a look and post any questions you may have for us? We’d love to hear from you and respond. Let’s start a conversation…
A special note: We are working on what church looks like for us, given the new government guidelines. If you’d like to see what we’re about you’re very welcome to join us we continue our online services on our YouTube channel ‘Mickfield Evangelical Church’. They premiere at 10am Sunday morning and are still available afterwards. We also produce many other short videos that look at all sorts of ideas and questions regarding Christianity, all available there as well as on Facebook and Instagram.
Rich T