What a challenging time we are living in, many anxieties but also much to be grateful for. No visitors to our house brings about a change in my routine, does it matter if my hair looks like I have been dragged through a hedge backward? Why would I spend time cleaning the house for it to get dirty again, no one is going to see it, and as we spend so much time outside not even we are seeing it! We are both so enjoying being in the garden, what a pleasure and how grateful we are to live in this wonderful community and with such a great space around our bungalow. Much of our time is being spent on our veg area, fruit cage, green houses and now a poly tunnel. We bought the poly tunnel from a friend in Mickfield last year, and Mr P is pretty chuffed with himself that he finally has it up and ready to use. I find great excitement each day from watching the seeds germinate, creation is amazing.
But I do feel a sadness that I am not hosting any get togethers. This has however been reduced greatly by Helen Brookson suggestion that the Ladies that Brunch meet up on Zoom each week. Thank you Helen, it is lovely to see and hear others, to chat about anything, just as we would have done here at Green Acre.

As I am not able to cook for guest, I am throwing myself into be inventive with our meals, using up the stuff that has been in the freezer for some time. It’s a great challenge and we have had some amazing results, topped of by the fact that ‘himself’ keeps an excellent stock of red wine. My greatest concern is the pair of trotters which sit at the back of the meat drawer in one of the freezers. It is almost as if they clip their heels together each time I pull open the freezer drawer, waiting to be eaten. Thinking about them makes my stomach tighten, will it get to the stage where one day I have to thaw them out…. I hope NOT! On many occasion in my life I have thrived from coming up with meals at the end of the month, when there was more month than money. My children loved toadless hole, I still laugh about it now.
We had rabbit (I use to tell visitors it was chicken…. Sorry God, I lied), and one of the children’s friends remarked on the number of times we had pheasant pies when he came to tea. Wild goose being another treat at Christmas and other occasions through the year. The house thronged with callers for cups of tea and home made biscuits, children friends were always in the cake tin. I am so grateful that I entertained so many times in quiet large numbers, never as many as the five thousand, but I have always been provided for and guest have gone away not aware that a miracle has happened.
I am looking forward to the chit chat and company of friends when we are able to get together again. Until then, let us appreciate our blessing and support each other through these challenging times.
Keep Safe, Alex xx