May 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives. Britain has been forced to implement restrictions and new rules that our country has not experienced since the Second World War. Many people are still working from home and we remain unable to freely see people that we love and care about. But these ongoing measures are necessary to halt the spread of the virus and to protect lives.
Our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has recently announced the Government’s intention to take the first careful steps in modifying some of the restrictions facing our daily lives and these remain under constant review. However, it remains vitally important that we all continue to respect and follow Government advice so that we don’t risk a second wave of infection. A second wave would have devastating consequences for our NHS and for our economy. In my view, it is essential that we continue to be led by the scientific evidence, which dictates which restrictions can start to be lifted and when.
We must all continue to play our part in helping prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus by:
- Maintaining social distancing – keeping at least 2 metres apart from people who are not from your own household helps to protect each other and reduces the spread of the virus;
- Ensuring good hand hygiene – thoroughly washing your hands and wrists before eating and when returning home after leaving the house is particularly important to protect yourself from catching the virus;
- And to protect others, it is important NOT to leave home if you or anyone in your household has Coronavirus symptoms
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, my office and I have continued to work hard on behalf of everyone in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich, helping people to access personal and business financial support, and also helping a great many people who were stranded overseas as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to return home. I continue to ask probing Parliamentary questions of our Government about its response to the pandemic and continue to raise issues that matter to us here in Suffolk in Parliament and directly with Government ministers.
I will always do my very best for the people of Central Suffolk and North Ipswich and if there is anything with which I can help, please get in touch with me. My website also has up to date, helpful information so do please check there: www.drdanielpoulter.com
As ever, I would like to close by paying tribute to my NHS colleagues, the Police and the many others on the frontline of our public services who are putting others before themselves to help in this crucial fight against Coronavirus.