Church Lighting appeal

Flood lighting appeal

Since we installed floodlights to light the church during winter evenings, we have made disposable money boxes available for spare change as a relatively painless way of funding them.  This has been very successful.  However, this year, we feel that a shopping trip to try to purchase disposable cans and the difficulty of handing them out with the church closed, make this operation unwise.  Also many people are using cash very little this year and so spare change may not be forthcoming.  Please could we ask our congregation to find suitable containers and make a donation which will be collected at the Harvest Worship for All service, assuming that we have one.  If we are still not gathering on the 2nd Sunday in October we will make other arrangements.  Thank you very much in anticipation.

David Tydeman   and Alex Pratt       Churchwardens

Notes from the Cart Track May 2020

Saturday 16th May

Notes from the cart track

The dry April has seamlessly continued into a dry May and crops are desperately needing a rain and some warm nights.  The night-time frosts we have had lately are proving difficult in the vegetable garden and I am quite relieved to have no sugar beet to worry about.  May and tree blossom seems to be good but with insect eating birds nesting I hope that a bit of warmth and a shower will bring more blossom in the various bits of conservation mixtures we have sown ready for the chick feeding.

The wheat crop looks reasonably good in general and provided we get a couple of inches of rain to fill the grains in June it should be ok.  Spring barley is poor.  the dry April has caused some germinating seed to fail to emerge from cloddy seed beds.  The least bad field is the one we tried out a cover crop on which will encourage us to repeat the process next year.  The oil radish component of the mixture may have help to prevent the soil becoming consolidated by the rain and lack of frost.  There was certainly no problem with sowing though the residue.  Spring beans being sown deeper and more robust plants have emerged well and should produce a reasonable result if weather conditions are favourable.

How has lockdown and social distancing affected us?  Broadly speaking, our style of arable farming has continued more or less as normal.  Chemical and fertilizer deliveries have not been affected so far.  We have been able to get any building materials and spare parts that are needed although understandably delivery times are much longer and in the case of machinery dealers.  We have to go and collect from a box outside the stores.  Dust masks to use in the grain-store have quadrupled in price and delivery before harvest is not guaranteed.  Delivery drivers and store staff of the companies we work with have been help and careful without exception. 

We have seen a large increase in exercisers and dog walkers on the farm.  The sunny weather has obviously encouraged this which is very good to witness.  On an average day we get 50 – 60 folks out with at least half of these coming through the farmyard.  Sam has put up some new signs showing what is supposed to be growing where and indicating which areas we are trying to leave disturbance free for conservations purposes.  Thank you all for respecting these.  We have had very few causes for concern.  We do still have some loose dogs going into the growing crops.  I don’t think their owners realise that skylarks are on nests at the moment and a Labrador blundering past is not conducive to chick survival.  We have several pairs close to the main footpaths.  I hope that next year we will have even more.

David Tydeman

Mickield Evangelical Church May 2020

Rich Tearle (Pastor) Tel: 710101 (Church Office) or

For latest service info/times please see the website.

Give Me One Good Reason!

We’ve all had to adapt dramatically to the Coronavirus situation. How have you managed the changes? As a church it’s been very strange. We can’t meet together at all the time of writing. We now have a Sunday service online with a group Zoom meeting afterwards, and we also produce and distribute daily ‘thought for the day devotional’ videos via What’s App and YouTube. If you’d like to check out some of these short videos you can find them on our YouTube channel. Just visit YouTube and type Mickfield Evangelical Church.

In the midst of all this we have seen an increasing interest in Christianity. Many people have been engaging with the videos on our website, on Facebook and on YouTube. …Why not use the opportunity to have a peek and see what Christianity is all about without the (perhaps daunting) prospect of having to set foot in a church!

We want to continue to provide a means for all kinds of people to explore the Christian faith. So, over the next few weeks I will be posting 3 videos, exploring 3 very personal reasons for my own faith in Jesus. The first is, what I call, the Monty Python reason!

You can watch it here

Sometimes people say: “give me one good reason to believe!” We’d like to present 3. And we’d love to know your thoughts. Feel free to begin a conversation and share your thoughts in the comments section on YouTube or via my email (listed above).

Stay Safe and Blessed!

Rich T

Friends of Debenham Library May 2020

Friends of Debenham Library

Although Debenham Library is closed you can still use all our online services for free audiobooks, ebooks, films and other services:

  • 4,700 Audio books: Overdrive and Borrowbox on your computer or phone/tablet,
  • 16,000 eBooks: Overdrive on your computer or phone/tablet (Libby app) –
  • Music: Freegal on your computer or phone/tablet
  • Films: Kanopy on your computer or phone/tablet
  • 7,000 Magazines: Pressreader on your computer or phone/tablet

Use your library card at for more details

Meanwhile Sue Hutt has been busy reading aloud some children’s illustrated books held in the library, and you can see the videos on our Facebook page at Watch them with your children! (Tony has had to learn video editing skills!) Cathy has provided a video tour of the library garden. More videos to come!

Join our film mailing list (email so you don’t miss out in future! We can’t show films, but meanwhile details are being circulated of various free films you can watch at home.

When you have finished with your books, please put them in our black bin outside the library.  All items have been renewed automatically until August.

Tel: 01728 861940
Facebook: @DebenhamLibraryFriends

School corner, Debenham IP14 6PL (next to the Primary School).

Dr Dan Poulter May 2020

As I sit to write this month’s article, we continue to live in incredibly challenging circumstances, with the Coronavirus restrictions continuing to impact upon our day to day lives.  I’d like to start by thanking each and every one of you for playing your part and staying at home, helping to protect our NHS and saving lives.

During this important national fight against COVID-19, I have been given leave by the Government to return to the frontline of the NHS working as a doctor, but I want you to know that I am still here to help you as your local MP and continue to stand up for the best interests of Suffolk.

I am in touch with my office on a regular basis, where I am briefed fully and give regular instructions on constituency matters and how to help people locally who may be in need.  My team and I are working extraordinarily long hours dealing with a hugely increased workload, helping people to access vital daily support, return home from overseas and providing advice to businesses to access Government grants.

We are very lucky indeed to live in Suffolk and I have been heartened to hear so many stories of communities coming together and individuals going out of their way to help elderly and vulnerable neighbours. It is times like these which bring out the best in people and I am proud to call Suffolk my home.

Suffolk’s “Home But Not Alone” scheme is an outstanding example of the public and voluntary sector coming together to deliver help to those who need it.  The number for those in need of genuine help is 0800 876 6926 lines continue to be staffed from 9am to 5pm 7 days a week.

Many businesses have been in touch welcoming the measures put in place by the Treasury, but of course there are still some who are left behind and falling through the net.  The likelihood of social distancing measures lasting for many months, or even a year, is likely to put considerable strain on our pubs and restaurants.  That’s why I have written to the Chancellor to raise these concerns and I am hopeful that more can be done to help our local businesses and in particular, our pubs, cafes and restaurants in the weeks and months ahead.

As ever, I would like to close by paying tribute to my NHS colleagues, the Police and the many others on the frontline of our public services who are putting others before themselves to help in this crucial fight against Coronavirus.

If you would like my help, please visit my website for the latest information.

Stonham Aspal Church – April 2020


in line with Government instructions


but the church community continues…..


At the present time there will be no services held in the church building, however that does not mean that the people cannot worship together. With the aid of technology, services will continue to be held via Zoom at 10am on Sunday and Tuesday mornings, and at 7pm on Friday evening. If you would like to attend please email Ruth Dennigan beforehand, and she will send you the link on which to click. We look forward to seeing you there!


Our Big Brekkie event, in aid of Christian Aid, will not go ahead this year. However, Christian Aid continue their work and have launched a Coronavirus Appeal. If you would like to support them with a donation you can find details at:

Interior from an old postcard