Men’s Breakfast 5th March

The next Men’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday 5th March at 8.30 in Stonham Aspal Village Hall.

Our Speaker: Jonathan Sullivan, The Saxtead Post Mill Cost £7.50Please book in early as we need to inform caterers.

David Tydeman – 01449 711277 – John Moody – 01449 710816

Village Film Club Wednesday February 17th

Wednesday February 17th – Film Club

  • doors open 7.30pm,  film starts 8.00

To celebrate Valentine’s Day we are showing – Brief Encounter

January we saw Snow Cake as a tribute toe Alan Rickman

Film Club is EVERY third Wednesday of the month and look out for extra film to be shown

Village news update

Men’s Breakfast The next Men’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday 5th March at 8.30 in Stonham Aspal Village Hall. Our Speaker: Jonathan Sullivan, The Saxtead Post Mill

Father Christmas was very busy on Christmas Eve in the village he delivered over 120 presents to children and 12 hampers to residents over 80. The Community Council would like to thank the Co-op & Tesco for their very generous donations to the hampers.

School events:

  • Saturday 6th February – 4pm – PTA Family Fun Challenge Night – more information to follow
  • Friday 12th February – Share Afternoon – 2.45pm – more information will follow
  • Wednesday 9th March – 3.30 to 5.00pm – Parents Evening
  • Monday 14th March – 3.30 to 5.00pm – Parents Evening
  • Thursday 17th March – 6.00pm to 8.00pm Parents Evening
  • Friday 18th March – PTA School Disco
  • Thursday 24th March – 2.00pm Easter Service in the Church
  • Friday 25th March – Good Friday and the beginning of the Easter Holidays
  • Monday 11th April – First day back to school for the children

January & February 2016 Events

  • 10th Plough Sunday 9.30 in Stonham Church
  • 11th Plough Monday – 7.30 PM Morris Dancing onwards from Does Field – celebration afterwards in The Village Hall
  • 21st Bingo Night 8 PM Village Hall
  • 22nd Pub Night Village Hall
  • 29th Charity Zumba Night 7.30 – 8.30 PM in The Village Hall (Liz Hubert)


  • 5th 8 PM Quiz Night Village Hall
  • 18th 8 PM Bingo Village Hall
  • 19th 8 PM Pub Night Village Hall

Watch out for Cinema Night at The Village Hall – details will be announced!



Telephone Scam Warning

With the latest works in The Street, some people have been phoned, and asked for their Bank or Credit Card details by  ‘BT’ for a reconnection fee of £6. Please do not give any details, this is not BT (they have been informed) and they just want your financial details to steal your money!!

Holiday Bin Collection!

Details from Mid Suffolk are here.

For Stonham Aspal:

  • Wednesday 23 December 2015 No Change (Rubbish),
  • Wednesday 30 December 2015 now Thursday 31 December 2015 (Recycling),
  • Wednesday 6 January 2016 now Thursday 7 January 2016 (Rubbish),
  • All brown bin collections are suspended for two weeks over the Christmas and New Year period.


December News updates

Village Hall: 5th Christmas Bazaar 10-3, 12th Cabaret Nite, 17th Bingo 8 pm, 18th Pub Night from 8pm, 24th December 8 pm onwards song and merriment (midnight mass follows).

24th December Santa’s Sleigh visits the village, 6.30 pm onwards.

Film Club: Wednesday 16th December 7.30 pm for 8 pm – A Seasonal Film – Stonham Aspal Film Club Vote on The Night – at The Village Hall.

Church: 9.30 am 13th December Carols for All, 3 pm 24 December Crib Service,  Carol Singing 22 December meet at Does Field 6.30 pm. 11.30 pm 24 December Midnight Eucharist.