St Mary & St Lambert, Stonham Aspal & Mickfield Church.

The programme will be based on Gospel Hymns and Spirituals, led by the Six Village Band. The singing, we hope, will be lively and light hearted and will include old favourites and possibly one or two less known items. Refreshments will be served afterwards and there will be a collection which will go towards the restoration work which is currently being undertaken. We look forward to seeing you there. Hallelujah

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News update

  • 12th May 7PM East of England Co-op Church Band in Coddenham Church
  • 9th June Men’s Breakfast (visit to RAF Barnham)



Stonham and Mickfield Church.

A special Worship for All service will start at the earlier time of 8.30am. At this service we will remember all the events of Holy Week leading to Jesus’ crucifixion. Hot cross buns will be served at Threeways afterwards.
Everyone welcome, whatever your age!

April Events in Stonham Aspal

  • 6th Quiz Night 7.30 for 8.00 PM Village Hall
  • 10th 7.30 AnnualParish Meeting Church
  • 12th April 8.00 PM Bingo
  • 14th 10.00 onward Church yard Clear up – Come equipped!
  • 21st WI Coffee Morning Village Hall
  • 23rd Church repairs start!
  • See the Community Council Magazine for more information on events!

Men’s Breakfast at the Village Hall

Today we heard (and excellent Breakfast!) about metal detecting, and had good fun identifying finds from the roman era onwards.

Our next will be a tour to see an old nuclear bomb shelter and lunch near Elveden. Scheduled for 11th June – look out for the magazine!

Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday 31st March

Hi everyone, this year’s Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday 31st March. Money raised will help Stonham Aspal Preschool purchase learning resources and go towards staff development.
£4 entry includes an Easter Basket to decorate and other crafts as well as the Easter Egg Hunt itself.
Parking is available on the school playground and the hunt is in the recreation ground.