St Mary & St Lambert, Stonham Aspal with Mickfield

Sunday 24th June 4pm
Wedding Songs of Praise with the Six Village Church Band
An opportunity to Worship with a flavour weddings and sing along to the wonderful Church Band. Everyone is very welcome, invitations have gone out to those who were married in the Church. We look forward to special Celebration service, wedding cake and fizz afterwards.


Bob and Alex invite you to join them for a day in their garden!


The Garden is very much a work in progress, with many projects part done and many many more to instigate. We hope you will enjoy having a look at our little bit of Stonham Aspal.


Open garden from 11am to 3pm. Join us for Tea/Coffee and refreshments of savoury and sweet items. There will be a sandpit, bran tub and craft activities etc to occupy Children, plant stall, picture quiz, raffle etc. Entrance £2 adults, no charge for children.


CAN YOU HELP PLEASE? If anyone has a spare hour or two when they could help between 11am and 3pm it would be very much appreciated, you will be rewarded with refreshments. Any items for the Raffle or small gifts for children to go in a Bran Tub would be gratefully received. We are also on the lookout for some saw dust to use in a bran tub and to borrow some soft sand.


From 7.30pm we invite you to join us for a social get together, tickets are £10, which will include your supper at 8pm and your first drink. Beer, Cider wine and soft drinks, tea coffee etc will be available. The raffle from the day will be drawn and the winner of the sheet quiz etc will be announced. To help with catering please could you purchase your tickets before the event?


We look forward to seeing you and please bring the sunshine. For further enquiries please contact Bob or Alex on 01449711393 or


Parking for some vehicles will be available in the orchard entrance and main drive.


All profits from the day are for St Mary & St Lambert Stonham Aspal with Mickfield Church repairs.


There are no weeds in our garden and pigs fly by regularly!


Stonham Aspal Village Hall, 26th & 27th May 10am – 3pm. There will be refreshments & lunches, plants, tombola, book, producer and bric-a-brac stalls.  We are also hoping that the wood tuners will join us. Any donations of tombola items, plants, items for refreshments or the stalls will be gratefully accepted. If you can spare an hour to help us in the Hall we would be pleased to see you. Please contact Valerie on 01449711517 or email Helen on Do come along and support us, we will be pleased to see you. All proceeds for Church funds.


Stonham Aspal & Mickfield Church.


You are invited to our very special Worship for All service at the start of Christian Aid week, the 9.30 am service is followed by breakfast. Big Brekkie is being celebrated nationwide to raise funds to help those who are struggling particularly in Haiti. Come along, find out more, eat breakfast and donate to this worthy cause.


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Stonham Aspal & Mickfield Church.

The weather is looking great, please join us for our Rogation walk across the fields. We meet at 2.30pm outside Broughton Hall, walk to Stonham Parva where we join other parishes for a short service in Stonham Parva Church. This is a lovely opportunity to worship in a Church which is no longer able to hold regular services. From there we walk to Earl Stonham Parish room where they will have made a delicious tea, which is much appreciated at the end of our walk. To find out more about the meanings of Rogation and beating the bounds come along to this special walk.


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Help to clean at Church please.

On Saturday 5th May between 10am and 1pm we will be cleaning inside Church as the majority of the repairs hopefully will be complete. Please could you help, come along when and for as long as you are able. If you could bring brooms, brushes, dustpans, polish etc, we would really appreciate it. Refreshments will be served, contact Liz 01449 711365.


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Dance night

?Dance night, 8pm Saturday 12th May, Stonham Aspal village hall, bar and raffle, all welcome, with 60’s, 70’s and 80’s music, you name we will play it.? Stonham aspal Sent from my iPad


Thank you for all the support at the last brunch in March, another £100 has been donated to the Church Repair fund. On receipt of the £10 ticket money, seats can be reserved for the next brunch on the 12th May. Contact me on or 01449 711393, please let me know if you have any special dietary needs. Looking forward to another opportunity to have a house full and an enjoyable time.
Dates for your diary – Raising funds for Church at Greenacre.
LADIES THAT BRUNCH – Saturday 12th May, 21st July, 15th September, 3rd November
SUMMER DAY AND EVENING EVENT Saturday 7th July – details at a later date…….when we know what we are doing!