Altar Flowers in Church

St Mary & St Lambert, Stonham Aspal with Mickfield 

There are two ways in which flowers and displays are put in Church.

Altar Flowers
The weekly rota is now available at the back of the Church. You will notice that this is done in two weeks sessions, please don’t let that put you off, it is not a central heated home so many flowers will keep for this length of time. Perhaps you have an Anniversary or birthday of a loved one when you would like to place flowers at the altar. Please put your name on the rota and I will make sure that you have all the details that you need. If you would like flowers to be put in church but are not able to do so and would prefer to give a donation, please contact me.
Flowers at Festivals
For festivals and special events each person has either a window or an area to put their arrangement. The Church festivals include, Easter, Harvest, Christmas and during the year the Church may be decorated for services such as a special Songs of Praise, Royal occasion etc.
If there is anything that you would like to know about joining the team who decorates the Church for festivals or being on the weekly rota please do not hesitate to contact me on 01449711393 or
Many thanks Alex Pratt

Plough Sunday and Monday

Ploughing for All Service, Sunday 13th 9.30am, when the plough and work in the countryside will be blessed.

Please bring along your toy tractors and ploughs and tools which you use in the garden or to care for animals for the display.
Everyone is very welcome to this special Worship for All service at Stonham Aspal Church.
Plough Monday on 14th January will start with East Suffolk Morris Men gathering at the village hall from 7pm. They will then dance at Does Field at 7.30pm, moving down to Walnut Tree Meadow, Wingfield Meadow, Quoits Meadow and finishing at the village hall for dancing and ale. PLEASE come and join them with torches and hi-vis clothing as in their usual daft fashion we they will be the Men in Black!!


Fri 25th Jan 7.30pm, tickets £10

Stonham Aspal Village Hall.


Join us as we celebrate with a traditional burns meal, ode to the haggis in Scottish dialect, suitable music and a wee dram!


Dinner will be served at 8pm, on the menu..

Cock-a-leekie soup

Haggis neeps & tatties, Whisky sauce

Cranachan with camamelised oatmeal & raspberry sauce

Cheese & biscuits

Coffee & mints

If you have any specific dietary needs or would prefer the vegetarian option, please let me know on booking.

Reservations would be appreciated by 20th January.

You are welcome to bring your own drinks.

To book your place please contact Alex on 01449711393 or David on 01449711124

Raising funds for the Village Hall

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What’s on in January 2019

St Mary & St Lambert Stonham Aspal with Mickfield Church


3rd Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn

6th Sun 6.30pm  Evensong 

10th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn   

13th Sun 9.30am  Ploughing for All

(14th Plough Monday – watch out for the Morris Men)

17th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn

              7pm  Homegroup

20th Sun 9.30am  Holy Communion

24th Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn

                7pm  Homegroup


27th Sun 9.30am  Worship and Praise

31st Thur 8.50-11.30am  Coffee Inn

                7pm  Homegroup

**Please note the new Worship pattern for the United Benefice begins this month.**

January 2019

  • 10 BINGO 8 PM VH
  • 14 East Suffolk Morris Men Plough Monday 7 PM VH
  • 16 SAVH Cinema Red Dog 8 PM
  • 18 Third Friday Inn from 7.30 PM
  • 21 WI Film at private house
  • 25 Burns Night VH 8 PM – see Magazine for details
  • 27 SAVH Cinema Matinee 3 PM Jungle Book
  • 1 Feb 8 PM Quiz Night VH

We need a co-ordinator for the 200 Club – see magazine for details. Please Help!

Carol Singing around the village – Thurs 20th Dec

Please meet at Does field for 6.30pm to Carol sing around the village. Bring your torches and wear a high visibility jacket. If you are at home on Thursday evening please watch out for us as we travel down the street. The collection will be in aid of church funds. Mulled wine for those who stay the course.


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CHRISTINGLE Sun 9th Dec 3.30pm

Everyone  is welcome to join us at Stonham Aspal Church for this special service. During refreshments the children will be making stars to go on the large Nativity banner at the rear of Church. A collection will take place for the Children’s Society.


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