
Village Hall and Tennis Booking contacts have changed.

Please see the appropriate pages for the details.


Stonham Aspal Village Hall

Wednesday 16th Nov 2022 7.30pm start

Fun for all

Come and join us, and meet some locals …..

Bring your own refreshments

Tea and coffee will be available at the halftime break, for which we would gratefully receive a donation


We are pleased to announce that the Village now has a Public Defibrillator: This is in the telephone box outside Kiosk Cottage (near the Church). Our thanks go to The Parish Council, Village Hall Committee and Metcalf General fund for their donations. Thanks also to the Community Council for providing the ongoing financial annual support.

If you need to use the defibrillator follow the instructions in the Phone Box (Dial 999 and ask for the Ambulance service, who will then talk you through what you need to do, and give you the access code).

Fibre (FTTP) Update

I have been asked by Openreach that four people have not confirmed their DCMS Vouchers in the original scheme. They can’t provide me with the Emails (Data Protection), but asked me to contact those who signed up to remind you: Please do reply to the DCMS Email (whether you have moved house or not) so our subsidy is preserved. You will have been sent an Email from me.

As an update, you may have noticed that all the Openreach work in the Village. As well as the scheme you took part in (from A140 end of the village to Wingfield), there is an extension down East End Lane, and Openreach are also providing service along The Street to Stonham Barns and Crowfield road at their own expense. We provided the kick start to the whole process: Thanks to you all for this!

You’ll also like to know that it will only be a few weeks now before we get service. I’ll post on the Facebook pages and this web site when ordering should be possible.

Charles Brookson